Project Psyche

Lepidopteran genomes for Europe

Contribute samples

In Phase 1 of Psyche, we will sequence the vast majority of specimens from sampling hubs. However, if you are interested in contributing samples to sequence in Phase 2,  you are welcome to fill out the form below and a hub will be in touch to discuss potential sampling.  To find your nearest hub, check out the map here.

To generate reference genomes at scale, we have a standardised procedure for collecting and storing samples. Ideally, the samples should be stored flash-frozen in barcoded FluidX tubes that help to keep track of the specimens and reduce the risk of sample swaps. We also have a standardised procedure for photographing the specimens and keeping track of the metadata. Therefore, if you plan to collect Lepidoptera that might be useful for Project Psyche, please fill out the form below before going on fieldwork so that we can send you tubes and make everything as smooth as possible.