Project Psyche

Lepidopteran genomes for Europe

Who are we?

We are a consortium of partners working together to deliver and explore chromosomal reference genomes for all 11,000 species of Lepidoptera found in Europe.

Psyche is a key contributor to the Earth BioGenome Project which is sequencing all Eukaryotic species on planet Earth. Psyche is also affiliated with the European Reference Genome Atlas and we work with other regional projects, such as the Catalan BioGenome Project and the Darwin Tree of Life project.

An expanding network

We work closely with the European Lepidoptera Population Genomics Consortium, an emerging initiative to coordinate and synthesise population genomic analyses of evolutionary dynamics of European species.

Psyche has an active community of over 70 researchers, spanning 52 institutes, universities and government agencies currently based in 17 different countries. This is an expanding network and we are actively seeking partners across Europe. If this is of interest to you, please visit Get involved.

In the first phase, all sequencing is done at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and samples are provided by sampling hubs. However, in the second and third phases, both sampling and sequencing will be carried out by many partners across Europe.